The Support Network offers orientations for Renewal Candidates depending on demand.

Please indicate your interest in renewal  by completing the following survey: (scroll all the way down in the survey and click "submit")

Meanwhile, I encourage all NBCTs to visit for more information about the renewal process.


The Support Network will charge a modest fee of $250 eligible for 2 salary points. A Renewed NBCT Facilitator will be assigned to a study group.    The Facilitator who has renewed will be available at scheduled meetings to answer questions about the Profile of Professional Growth (PPG) and use protocols to assist the network of NBCTs with the analysis of the Professional Growth Experiences (PGE).  NBCTs can also establish their own groups and have the capacity to analyze their own practice, so it is not necessary to join The Support Network in order to renew their National Board Certification. However, we are here to offer support for those NBCTs who desire it. 

The Support Network hopes to see you at one of our Free Renewal Workshops.

In Unity,

Michael de la Torre 

Renewed NBCT



LAUSD NBCTs who have renewed the NBPTS certification are asked to mail a copy of their NBPTS letter attesting to this fact to:


Mrs. Peggy Presley

Teacher Support Unit

333 South Beaudry Avenue, 14th Floor

Los Angeles, CA  90017.

Phone: (213) 241-5495

Fax: (213) 241-5494